
What are the benefits of having a pet?

What are the benefits of having a pet?

More and more studies show that keeping pets has great benefits for our physical and mental health, so let's take a look at the specific benefits.

1.Reduce allergy risk

A study reported in 2015 showed that exposure to dogs and livestock early in life was associated with a lower risk of asthma in children. Then, a new study published in the journal Microbiome found that children exposed to domestic pets before birth and within 3 months of life were able to significantly change their gut bacteria and, accordingly, develop allergic symptoms in children Variety.

The results of such studies support the "hygiene hypothesis". The hypothesis posits that greater exposure to pathogens and potential allergens early in life can boost the immune system, potentially increasing tolerance to allergic reactions later in life.

2. Reduce anxiety and stress

A 2015 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that children who had pet dogs at home were significantly less likely to test positive for anxiety screening.

Another previously published study found that children with dogs had lower levels of the "stress hormone" cortisol when interacting with "peers" compared to children who did not have a dog playmate.


3.Better Heart Health

A scientific statement published by the American Heart Association in 2013 concluded that pet ownership, especially dogs, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Co-author Glenn Levin of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, said the finding may be due in part to increased physical activity. Studies have shown that regular dog owners are more likely to meet the standards of physical activity than the general population (54% more likely). In addition, studies have shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and significantly lower rates of obesity, all of which benefit their heart health.

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4.Strengthen interpersonal and social skills

Most pet owners have a special bond with their furry friend. In fact, statistics show that over 66% of dog owners and 56% of cat owners consider their pets to be family members.

According to recent research, this relationship with pets may also have beneficial effects on our other relationships. For example, a recently published study found that pet owners had better relationships with their lovers than non-pet owners.

Taking care of pets can also improve their social skills. A 2014 study published in the journal Applied Developmental Science found that those who devoted more time to the care of animals tended to be more engaged in community activities and were more likely to take a leadership role.


5. Improves mental health

It is estimated that mental illness affects one in five adults in the United States each year, with depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia being the most common.

While having a pet isn't a cure for mental illness, research shows that it can certainly help. Research reported by MNT last year found that 60 per cent of pet owners diagnosed with a serious mental illness considered pets "important" to manage their symptoms. The study found that participants who brought pets showed a greater sense of control, security, and routine.

StudiesTrusted Source shows that pets can also help reduce depression, so much so that many organizations recognize animal-assisted therapy as an effective treatment for depression and other psychiatric disorders.

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6.Better sleep quality

Research shows that "sharing a bed" with a pet can actually improve sleep. One such study was reported by MNT in 2015. The researchers found that 41% of all pet owners surveyed who allowed their pets to sleep in the bedroom or bed said their pets did not appear to be disruptive, or even caused damage due to the presence of pets. A sense of security, companionship, and relaxation, and they even reported sleeping better.

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